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1717 in music

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Painting of George Frideric Handel (left, with right arm extended) with King George I of Great Britain, traveling by barge on the Thames River while musicians play in the background. The painting is an artist's rendering of the first performance of Handel's Water Music in 1717.
List of years in music (table)

The year 1717 in music involved some significant events.



Classical music









  1. ^ Il saggiatore musicale: Volume 4 1997 "Analoghe considerazioni valgono per «il direttore d'orchestra Manzoni», che era Antonio Maria Mazzoni (1717–1785), compositore bolognese e accademico filarmonico citato da Burney e da Leopold Mozart, nonché da tutte le enciclopedie ..."
  2. ^ Mozart Briefe und Aufzeichnungen: Gesamtausgabe Wilhelm A. Bauer, Leopold Mozart – 1971 -"„Maestro Mazzoni": Antonio Maria Mazzoni (1717 bis 1785), Schüler Predieris ( vgl. zu Z. 8), seit 1759 Domkapellmeister, seit 1736 Mitglied der Accademia Filarmonica, deren „Principe" er fünfmal war."